Architect and author Charles Durrett wanted a film to discuss the primary benefits of cohousing. To make this vision come true, Thumbler first found misplaced previously filmed footage, then went on to engage a new filmmaker and director, and outlined this key project. Master filmmaker John de Graaf was joined by Emmy-award winning cinematographer Douglas Stanley and expert film editor Greg Davis.
To generate funding, Thumbler ran a GoFundMe campaign, also bringing on board a non-profit sponsor. Private donations fueled this special project. Pamela Biery acted as project manager, keeping the project moving forward and the team in communication.
“The Best of Both Worlds: Cohousing’s Promise” premiered at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in 2020, a unique distinction, and was also featured at Chico’s Earth Day Festival in 2020. Public television station KVIE is running multiple broadcasts and the film continues to be sold to educational institutions and cohousing communities today through Bullfrog Films.